Sunday, 26 September 2021

Goddess worshipping: Katie

 Katie is a young fitness trainer of Irish heritage who is so far in the #toogoodforwhiteboys category it's mind-bending...

She reminds me of a young Jennifer Connelly...anyone agree?

As a personal trainer, Katie empowers women to be "thick and fit", making her an incredible poster-girl for the #whitegirlsevolving trend. 

She's not only the living embodiment of the modern body shape, she is also beautiful, with stunning translucent skin, and booty and thighs that would make any worshipping cuckboi walk straight into the nearest wall.


Unsurprisingly and thankfully, Katie is dating a powerful Black alpha male. This lucky king gets to enjoy the ultimate goddess...and we get to stand back and enjoy this IR power couple that are lighting the way for so many others...
Take a moment to love those braids...


  1. Omgoodness how could a white woman that beautiful and sculpted so perfect physically not have a Black boyfriend? Also, I absolutely LOVE when white women wear their hair in a Black woman's fashion to showcase their preference for Black men, that picture of her with her hair like that is my favorite. Perfect way to tell a whiteboi "look but don't touch"😍-d

  2. When I first saw those pics of her gorgeous body, I was really hoping she got blacked. Thankfully she did!

  3. I love how my favourite body type in women is becoming so popular and it's a double thrill that it is so associated with interracial and black masculinity. It makes women like her so intoxicatingly unobtainable and I increasingly wouldn't want it any other way. Stunning!

  4. As an Irish man when I started reading this I was like please tell me one of my own got blacked, and you didn't disappoint (she did and I love it). What surprised me about reading this is I had no angst (I used to)... I'm a cuck and I love it and want it. This is me and whatever woman I'm with lives now and I wouldn't change it for the world. Any chance I can contact you Goddess worshiper?

    1. What a fantastic comment! Welcome to the tribe! Yes you can find me on Twitter and contact me direct there - @wokewhtknight

    2. I don't have a twitter account, but if you would like I can send you on my email address. I'd love to have a bud into this lifestyle to nude each other on and share experiences (real life or otherwise) etc... Like yourself, I've got this itch, but I'm a good looking guy in my 30s. Hit me up. Maybe some day you'll be in Ireland, or I'll be in the UK. Sounds like the basis for a friendship...

    3. Sure - send me your email address via the contact form!

    4. I totally agree with this. My angst has been receding recently and I have been embracing that I am a cuck. How can us white men deny our women the pleasure of being with a black man. I like chatting with white men who understand this. It feels healthy for us white guys to be open with each other about all of this.

    5. Welcome to the club. There is no shame in being a cuck. I am one - so you're in good company! LOL


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...