Saturday, 8 January 2022

Godess Worshipping: Emily

Every so often, I discover a goddess I've never seen before who quite simply blows my mind and rocks my world. Who reminds me why I've been a worshipper of women all my life. 

Today, that goddess is Emily DiDonato - a statuesque 5 foot 10 model from New York City, whose unique blend of Irish and Italian genetics has given us those breath-taking bright blue eyes, a body to die for and legs that look like they were sculpted in heaven.

Emily was discovered by a model scout in a shopping mall at the tender age of 10 - but it wasn't long before she was modelling for Guess and Ralph Lauren. By the time she left high school she was snatched up by Victoria Secret for the catwalks and then Sports Illustrated, who flew her to Namibia for her first shoots. 

Fellow worshippers and cucks - I give you, Emily DiDonato....


  1. Emily looks so fantastic. She needs to be a model featured more often. A true figure and a sign of how much our society's sexual freedom has grown. Hopefully, she will inspire other girls to be like her. Wonderful find GW!

    1. Thank you! It's so important that girls feel inspired by goddesses like Emily and enjoy the adoration they so deserve!

  2. I hope Emily got into some mischief with the locals while in Namibia:) -d


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...