Friday, 18 February 2022

Cuck sighting: coffee shop couple

If, like me, you get intense, mind-blowing, cock-twitching sexual pleasure from seeing gorgeous, unobtainable white women on the arms of powerful Black alpha males, then boy, do I have a sighting for you!

On Saturday afternoon, I met a friend at Alfred's, one of the most fashionable coffee shops in town. It's a great place for girl watching - and as it was a sunny day, we sat outside. We'd been there for a while talking and enjoying the views and were about to wrap things up, when my cuck-radar started tingling. 
Coming over from across the street was a Black male, white female couple who could have stopped traffic. He was a big, dark-skinned Black guy with dreads, wearing a red sports sweatshirt, and baggy black low-hanging jeans, walking with the kind of swagger that I believe the kids these days call "big dick energy". 

She was a blonde goddess. Tall, slim, beautiful - probably around 5 foot 9 or 5 foot 10 and mid-20s at a guess. She was wearing a tiny, tight fitting white crop top, blue denim daisy duke jean shorts and knee high black leather boots with a heel on them. What a killer outfit!

They passed in front of us and disappeared into the coffee shop. I was lost in a vision of long legs, black boots and blonde hair. I kept my friend talking, desperately hoping that I could spin things out until this breath-taking couple emerged. Finally, they did, coffees in hand, and paused on the pavement to take a sip and talk. 

There was clearly zero self-consciousness going on with this couple. As is the case with so many IR pairings. They didn't give a shit who was gawking as they stood in the sun with their drinks. I could guess any number of things about who this girl was - a model seems obvious - but these days, who knows? 

She had a look a little like my mega-crush Alexis Clark, with long straight blonde hair, blue eyes and a really gorgeous, full-lipped face. Her skin was flawless, smooth and lightly tanned and beautifully displayed by the little white crop top and denim daisy dukes that looked like they'd been spray-painted on. 

She had a flat stomach, adorned with a shining belly button jewel, medium sized breasts, and a gorgeously shaped pert and toned rear - somewhere in between modern #whitegirlsevolving "booty" and catwalk model slim. The cheeks were beautifully delineated by the tight shorts, with a tantalizing glimpse of flesh on display. Her legs were long, shapely, silk-smooth and lucent in the sun. The black leather boots came up to her knees and the heels gave her even more height and delightful posture. As I always do, I tried to drink in every little detail for my memory-banks, my cock twitching in the ecstasy of frustration.  

I have no idea how much time elapsed before they crossed back over the street. They headed to a large black Mercedes SUV, climbed in - and then they were gone. Leaving me to my musings of just how much things have changed since I first discovered my interracial obsession twenty years ago. 

Readers - if YOU have a REAL and GENUINE sighting you'd like to share, please drop me a line using the box in the sidebar! 

"Bro, I just wanted to say I love your blog and I wish you nothing but well wishes. You absolutely have an artistic flare in relation to interracial fetish. Your words and use of imagery are second to none. I've never come across anything else quite like it online. You have a talent and should upload more frequently." 



  1. just came across your blog, don't get me wrong i don't have a problem with what you like seeing as a white male and i assume you are a british white male ?, i am african/british male 2nd gen. born and brought up south east of england and a london medical student at present, but what i like seeing and really enjoy seeing in london tbh is a whole big bundle of things when it comes to race, sex, society, history, racism, empire, slavery etc. etc., some easy to say some not easy to say.

    1. You're most welcome here and thank you for accepting what I am into so gracefully. We all have different things that makes us tick - and in a free society we should all have the right to talk about it. Thank you for reading!

    2. the problem/issue is for me tbh that i strongly support black love and black males and black females having black children as issues of race/culture/religion etc. etc., but is a contradiction to what i know i really like and enjoy seeing and thinking in london, the big picture so to speak.

    3. Well I believe it's possible to explore contrary or seemingly contrary points of view and find the common ground. The problem is when we don't confront these things or try to suppress them. What do you enjoy seeing in London?

    4. what do i really like and enjoy seeing and thinking in london ?. ok, regarding race, sex, religion, medical science, genetics and evolutionary social change it would depend how well read you are on an intellectual level as a white british male to be able to recognise and appreciate all of them coming together in london in such an ever bigger and faster wonderful manner well past your black male/white female sightings which are your harmless enjoyment.

    5. ok, 2 things for you to think on ?, 1 the black african haitian general said in 1804 that it needs a white man and a white woman to produce a white racist. 2 the white european mutated female gene is recessive as a 6 to 10,000 year old human sub species descended from black african humans. when a black/african male impregnates a white european female its an act of black/african genetic superiority pure and simple.

    6. Thank you for taking the time to set this out. I am the first to admit that my Black male / white female sightings are in a sense "enjoyment" - although they are actually far more than that for me. I try to operate respectfully and I acknowledge the limitations of my knowledge as a white male. And I welcome comments like yours when they bring deeper knowledge to the discussion. Thank you.

    7. thanks, you have potential, what we need to do is make sure that as a white british male you see, read and learn the right knowledge to make you aware of the true reality of the past, present and future without your white british male racial and cultural limitations.

    8. I'm a white male in the U.S., fascinated with the various aspects of interracial that you have referred to and am interested in what you describe as "the right knowledge to make [us] aware of the true reality..."

  2. I’m a white female who primarily dates black men. While I don’t like some of the negative reaction that I get from racist white men, I do find it reassuring that there are progressive and enlightened white males who support and admire women like me who respect our preferences.

    When I am out with my absolutely gorgeous and muscular black boyfriend, I love having my hair and nails done in order to look as stylish and attractive as possible. I love the way we make heads turn. And yes, I am very aware that our contrast in skin Color is quite striking.

    1. Hi Adalia - welcome to the blog! Thank you for being you and doing what you do. Remember - there are many white guys like me who truly appreciate you!


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