Saturday, 15 June 2024

Goddess worshipping: Anna

Anna is a beautiful 18 yr old from Alabama who plays varsity soccer. 

Fortunately - or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it, this gorgeous blue-eyed beauty has been snatched up by a young King named Chase, one of the rising stars of Alabama basketball. 

So, for all those local betas, it's another case of looking on longingly from the side-lines in "the friend zone"! 


  1. 😲 omg 🔥 she's beautiful! Where did you find her? When one looks at her and sees her body type and how happy she is, one can say with near 100%certainty that "she's never going back."

  2. So glad a beauty like her is getting the black king she deserves

  3. Wow she is gorgeous! What a great find GW! As a 24 year old whiteboy that still hasn’t found any success with woman this is really hitting hard at my denial fetish. But I can’t deny that I love it!

  4. I hope 4 years from now she graduates with a NWSL contract and a Black baby in her belly (If not from him, some other Black King:))-d


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...