Monday, 8 July 2024

Goddess worshipping: Hannah

When I first started to become obsessed with Black male / white female interracial, I thought that it was a niche cultural trend, mostly confined to the major cities. I might have estimated off the top of my head that, say, 5% to 10% of white women would be with Black Kings. 

Now, here we are, twenty years later, and if you asked me to estimate now, I'd have no idea where I'd place my bet. Suffice to say, if I see a high quality white goddess, either in my everyday life or online, I'd guess there's probably a 50% chance she's been snapped up a Black King, so much so, that I can't keep up with it, as a one-man blogging machine.

Today's goddess is Hannah - a dancer from the UK. This gorgeous young blue-eyed blonde exudes the kind of sexy, confident, boss-babe charisma that gets cucks, gooners and simps twitching with impotent unfulfilled lust - and she looks like she knows it!

With ice blue eyes, full lips, and a perky, dancer's body that looks like it's been sculpted in heaven, Hannah is an unobtainable hip hop goddess, who's been lucky enough to be a back-up dancer for artists including 50 Cent....

And let's just say this confident young goddess with the steely blue gaze is leading a lifestyle way beyond the reach of most of her starry-eyed adoring fans...she's a real VIP babe...

This young lady is like a dream come true for the #deniedcuckboi - for while we can gaze up at the perfect contours of her smooth body and dream...predictably, it's a lucky African King who has snapped her up...

We can get all twisted up that another beautiful young white goddess has been taken off the market - or we can be happy for her - and pay due respect to her King, who had the power to claim the prize when others fell by the wayside...


  1. The way that she looks at him...that kind of admiration and deep attraction that only happens in BMWF relationships.

  2. Isn't it interesting we now live in a time where the most beautiful white women in the world are now almost expected to have Black boyfriends:)- d.

    1. Yes! We HOPE that they do - and more and more, they do!


Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...