Sunday, 7 July 2024

Hero worshipping: BFace

Hip hop artist BFace made the boss move of holding open auditions for his fans to land the role of the muse in his video "Comfort Love", claiming that he wanted a girl who could be "authentic and natural".

I'd love to know how many girls auditioned, but the lucky girl he selected had a dream come true by being the object of her idol's affection in a music video. 

And, as you can see, BFace certainly knew what he was doing in the selection process...

I wish I knew who this girl is. I'd love to know her age and where she's from. She's a natural, all-American beauty, a tall girl by the looks of it, and BFace certainly got someone real...

But what I love most about her is the authentic way she comes across in the video, with an aspect of lovely self-consciousness that you would never get from a professional dancer or model. 

Honestly, the song isn't my thing - but that's not to take away from the beauty of the video and the way it showcases the attraction between BFace and his lucky young fan...

I think she is gorgeous - and I hope she got a memory to treasure. This is a beautiful video for fans of IR and well worth a watch...

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Hero worshipping: Dezz

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