Saturday, 6 July 2024

Hero worshipping: Jayems

A Black King from my home town of London - recently posted a masterclass in how easily a confident King can land a top class white goddess.

Jayems and his crew regularly use a combination of confidence and charm to approach gorgeous women on the streets of London and share their triumphs on social media. 

In this video, entitled "MILF RIZZ", they home in on a phenomenal looking blonde, Liv, wearing a sexy dress and high heels. It's revealed that Liv comes from Liverpool, and is visiting London with a female friend.

Jayems approaches Liv, turns on the charm and quickly breaks through her initial hesitance with compliments and persistence. You can tell that she's instantly attracted to him, but when he shares that he is personal trainer, you can see her attraction increase even more.

When Jayems delivers the line "Blonde women like you are a dangerous game for me", you can feel the intensity of his attraction and hear the effect it has on Liv. 

Most interestingly, he is quick to ask Liv if she's been "converted" in the past - i.e. if she has gone Black. This raises the erotic intensity of the exchange - and she replies "I have," which comes as little surprise from her obvious attraction.

It's not long before Jayems gets his prize - Liv's phone number. 

This video is well worth watching for anyone who is a fan of Black male / white female attraction. It shows perfectly how Kings like Jayems are capitalising on their looks, charisma and charm to date white women of a level betas and gooners can only dream of...

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Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...