Saturday, 4 April 2015

The taxi driver

London taxi drivers are without doubt some of the most fascinating people you can talk to and I always make it my business to strike up a conversation with them whenever I take a cab. But I certainly was not expecting the conversation I had this evening with a cab driver!

The driver I got picked up by was a Black guy and we got talking straight away. He told me his name was Carl. He was confident and spoke fast with an East End accent. Carl told me that he was in his 50s - I had no idea he was that old. He certainly didn't look it I told him and he laughed. As we drew up to a set of traffic lights there was a gorgeous white girl waiting to cross the road. She was an attractive brunette wearing those shiney leggings which showed off her long legs beautifully. I couldn't resist it: "Wow look at her!" I said. Carl had already spotted her and said, "Yeah she's fine, mate".

As she walked across the road in front of us she saw us both gawping at her. Carl gave her a wave and she beamed us a lovely smile. Again I couldn't resist: "You must get some hot girls in here," I said, "being a cab driver?" "Oh all the time mate, all the time!" he said. Then he told me a story which I have to share with you.

He told me that being a cab driver was the best job in the world for what he referred to as "getting pussy". I made it clear to Carl that I was really interested to hear more and I could tell he was happy to share it. He told me that the previous Saturday night he had picked up a stunning girl in Notting Hill who seemed to be trying to get away from a group of guys. Carl said she was a gorgeous blonde "dressed up to the nines" as he put it - wearing a skirt "that was more like a belt". She got in the cab and Carl immediately started chatting her up.

When she spoke he realised that she was American. I could certainly imagine Carl's fast-talking cheeky conversation would charm an American. She had been out with friends and as she made her way home on her own she'd attracted some unwanted attention from some guys and she was very relieved that Carl's cab had come to her rescue.

Carl told me that the girl was - check this out - a professional opera singer. As he chatted her up he discovered that she was 28 and in London for a couple of months before she returns to the US at Christmas. When he dropped her at her apartment he had charmed her enough (and of course played the "knight in shining armour") and she gave him her card.

Carl then told me something that made my mouth drop open: "I called her the next day, took her out Sunday evening, and I've been fucking her ever since!" "No way!" I said. "Yes mate," he said. "Fucking lovely she is. Have a look!" He reached back and passed back to me his iphone and there on the screen was a self-taken photo of Carl with his arm around the most stunning blonde. She looked a little like the actress Natasha Henstridge:

 "Oh my god," I said, " What a stunning girl! You've lucked out there!" Carl laughed. "I need to make the best of it, she's back to the States in December!" I handed Carl back his phone and decided to tell him that I run this blog. I asked him if I could tell his story here and he agreed. So - Carl, if you're reading this - thanks for the ride and I hope you have some absolutely fantastic sex with your blonde American opera girl!

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