Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Cuck thoughts: reader contribution

From blog reader whiteboi69:

This is a picture of a beautiful young girl trying to make a career doing glamorous work she enjoys... 

She was blessed with good looks and confidence and she wants to take advantage of her gifts while she can. She has the courage to chase her dreams and the intelligence to make it profitable. Riley Star is a role model for young American women. 

Yet there are whitebois who will attack her. When a whiteboi sees a beautiful young blonde like Riley experiencing a Black man’s superior sexuality, he knows that she’s graduated to bigger and better things. She's gone Black and she’s not going back. But getting angry, acting entitled, blaming women for doing what nature intended? That's not cool. 

Riley is at the forefront of a generation who grew up at a time when Kim Kardashian took an amateur sex tape and became an global phenomenon. Girls were bound to idolize her for prioritizing great sex over the old routine of finding a nice boy to marry. Kim chose Big Black Cock and she’s worth $300 million. Her sisters are following her lead. Each glamorous instagram pic of Kendall and Kylie with their new Black lovers empowers the next generation. 

Smart, empathetic whitebois support girls like Riley because they want what’s best for her and for other young women. By subscribing to sites like BLACKED they pay her to have sex with Black men and they get off stroking to it. These whitebois are realistic, they’ve stopped fighting their jealous urges and have learned to love the sight of a tight-bodied babe like Riley twerking her pussy on a superior BBC. 

Monday, 25 September 2017

Cuck thoughts: reader contribution

An interesting view from blog reader Simon:

When I first got into interracial, it was very much a niche genre. With many a pro-white guy saying that it would never take off, and was just a phase that would eventually fade away. However, fast forward to 2016, and Blacked.com interracial DVDs have 4 out of the top 5 places on the Adult Empire sales charts!

So, anyone thinking interracial porn was going to fade away is going to be seriously disappointed. As it’s not only become fantastically popular, but is also continuing to rapidly expand, reaching and influencing an ever growing audience of both sexes.

What I find particularly interesting about the Blacked.com material, is the fact that the white girls (on the whole) are no longer seen as the prey. They appear to have become active and willing participants in the overall interracial theme.

They aren’t there to be used and abused (like in much older IR porn) but are there to mutually enjoy hot steamy sex with big well hung Black guys. I think this marks a major paradigm shift. With porn producers realizing that many white girls and women love the whole interracial dynamic. They don’t need to be convinced or conquered, they’re happy and willing to side with team BBC…

And, that’s the subtle but VERY powerful shift we’re seeing now.

Though obviously scripted, the plots of the Blacked.com material almost always center round the girl willingly cheating on her white boyfriend, and of course, inevitably ending up fooling round and enjoying some BBC.

The overall agenda has changed from Black guys going, ‘look at us taking your women’, to white girls and Black men openly enjoying fucking each other, and even at times rubbing that fact in white mens' faces.

This interracial revolution has exposed a weakness in many white males that, not only porn producers, but many white females are beginning to really enjoy exploiting and having fun with.

Hand in hand with all this, has been the explosion in Fem-Dom related material. And there now seem to be an endless number of women only too happy to play with the cuckold dynamic.

So, interracial porn seems to have unexpectedly ended up empowering many white women. They’ve seen how huge numbers of white guys are responding to the influence of BBC porn, and they’re slowly beginning to take advantage and enjoy it.

Personally, I think the sexual nightmare (or fantasy!) for many white guys has only just begun. This is just the start. BBC porn is going to end up effecting the life of every single white male on the planet in one way or another.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Cuck thoughts: article by Darryl

A submission from blog reader Darryl - aka BushidoSamurai: he's a retired US Marine, 58, 6'3'', 248 lbs Black man based in San Diego, CA. He loves "fine food and fine white women"! I certainly don't blame him! With typical intelligence, he writes: 

"Times are changing. Just sixty years ago in the United States it was still illegal for a Black man to have sexual intercourse and marry a white woman, Black men were still lynched in parts of the South for this very offence.  White men unable to control their jealousy were driven mad and led to bloody and murderous acts through the rage of imagining their soft white flowers in the embrace of a strong, powerful Black buck. The combination of inferior feelings, jealousy and unacknowledged hornyness at the thought led to the end of many Black men.

Today, due to many factors, the civil rights movement, feminist advances and the power this gave white women to make their own sexual choices and the ascent of the Black man to the top echelons of sports and music, Black men and white women has now become the sexual flavor of the day and rather than trying to stop this more and more white men are now finding joy in the situation. 

For a Black man there are many reasons he would choose a white woman. The Black man of today finds himself with more options than he has experienced before and the clear option for the Black man of today is the white woman. This may seem a controversial idea to some in the community but this is the truth and the Black mans role is to be a bearer of truth in this world.

A white woman can offer a Black man the kind of womanhood that he no longer receives from a black woman. Many black women let themselves go physically and sexually and to a Black man this is unacceptable. Black men do not allow outside factors to stop their self pride and this a trait that is shared with the white woman, who has withstood centuries of indignation at the hands of the white man. It is time for us to rescue each other Brothas and white women.  

The second factor is the undeniable sexual chemistry between a Black man and a beautiful white woman. Centuries of trying to keep us apart has only heightened this powerful sexual bond but it is in fact an ancient tradition. Many ancient Indian and African art works depict Black male god with their white concubines and in ancient Rome powerful women were known to enjoy sexual encounters with Black slaves and gladiators.

 The way a white woman behaves is also an important part of why they are a better choice for a Black man today. White women behave perfectly in public and carry themselves with class, they can be taken and shown off anywhere with pride and the comfort of knowing she wont catch an attitude over a minor matter.

White women embrace their natural femininity fully and are eager to listen and take guidance from a strong man, this leads to happiness on both sides as the woman learns and grows at the hands of her Black man and the Black man gets to enjoy the natural order that life has intended for him and the white man has stolen for centuries. 

That day is over, Brothas it is time to look to the future and take what is ours, white women it is time for you to be fully appreciated and enjoyed for the beautiful women that you are. We are here, the time is now."

Monday, 18 September 2017

Goddess worshipping: Emily 2.0

I've posted previously about gorgeous Australian goddess Emily Sears - a statuesque, 5 foot 8 blonde with an incredible 32DD - 24 - 36 figure.

Emily is a social media influencer well worth following for her bold, intelligent, insightful postings on everything from race and feminisim to white male privilege and interracial dating.

When Emily is not keeping us boys in check, she is blessing us with her incredible beauty in the most amazing lingerie shoots...

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Ask...and you will discover

Recently I put up a post called "Sightings At The Gym".

This morning I was back in the same gym for my regular weekend training session and once again struggling to pay attention to my trainer whilst at the same time trying not to go dizzy with intoxication.

Trying to concentrate on working out in a place with so many stunningly sexy women in super sexy revealing gym gear - and so many powerful looking alpha Black guys prowling around (both trainers and gym members) is far from easy: the sexual energy in this place is electric!

I hadn't seen her since last time, but I was midway through my workout when in walked the older blonde woman I talked about in my previous Gym Sightings post. Once again this lady was looking absolutely knockout - like an ex model or lap dancer in her (mid?) 40s who has clearly had some expensive work done with the enhanced puffed lips and tits.

She's something to behold - tall, with long tanned legs on view, tiny little work out shorts that showcase a beautiful shapely rear, a toned flat stomach and the enhanced breasts straining to be free from the tiny work out crop top. I've never seen her not wearing a baseball cap - which to me somehow really adds to her sexiness.

This time I thought "nothing ventured nothing gained" and I decided to ask my trainer about her. He's a young mixed-race guy and the two of us get on well, so I said: "Listen mate, what do you know about the super hot blonde over there?"

He looked at me knowingly. His reply was unexpected and astounding.

"Ohhhh her!" he said with a smile. "She's in here all the time mate. She's got a crush on one of the other trainers. Last week she told him that she spends so much time here at the gym so she can work off all her sexual energy. She said otherwise she'd be out fucking lots of hot Black guys like him!"

My jaw hit the floor. "She really said that?...The trainer she has a crush on - which one is he?" I asked.

"Marcus." he said. I knew the one he meant. Marcus is a tall, dark-skinned, shaved-head Black guy with muscles on his muscles. Trainer royalty.

"Oh my word. Lucky guy!" I said, as I struggled to concentrate to finish the rest of my workout.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Goddess worshipping: Gabby still going strong with Marcel

The interracial love affair that captured Britain is still going strong - weeks after Love Island came to an end!

Gorgeous Gabby Allen was photographed in Vegas with her boyfriend Marcel and it was clear they couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Chilling by the pool, blonde fitness instructor Gabby relaxed in a sexy peach swimsuit, which was cut high to show off her legs and peachy ass. As she doted on Marcel, he certainly seemed to be enjoying the show - as will their millions of young fans following their every sexy move...

Monday, 4 September 2017

Blacked: Nicole's return

Gorgeous Nicole Aniston is BACK... to BLACKED!

 As Blacked becomes the NEW Playboy - and continues to sweep the board in adult entertainment - hopefully famous Penthouse Pet Nicole will enocurage other high profile and equally gorgeous models to give going Blacked a try!

In her new scene, Nicole stars as a woman who is way too busy for relationships, but loves to have fun whenever she feels the need. When she exchanges numbers with one of the male models that starred in her recent catalogue after he caught her eye at his photoshoot, she knows she has to have him. When she stares at him laying relaxing by the pool - a powerful Black stud covered in tattoos - she is under no illusion that this could be the best sex of her life...

Hero worshipping: Dezz

This Black King hails from Los Angeles. He's a personal trainer... He's dating the very gorgeous and statuesque Hallie, also a perso...