Friday, 17 May 2019

Cuck thoughts: dad cuck

I have a confession. And I need you, readers, to reassure me that I am not a sick and terrible pervert. 😮

Or at the very least, that I am not alone!

I am not married and I DON'T have kids. But I have a fantasy that seems to be growing.

My fantasy is that I have a LEGAL AGE daughter...who is a snowbunny. That I am, effectively, a "dad cuck".

To be clear, this is absolutely nothing to do with incest. It's more to do with the buttons that would be pushed in me by knowing that my gorgeous a sexy snowbunny.

Now I suspect this is not that extreme in the fast evolving world of IR and IR cuckolding. Readers will know me well enough by now to know that I'm definitely not into the sick stuff.

But it is time to fess up on this one.

So in my fantasy, my daughter could be any age between 18 and 25. She's very much into that #whitegirlsevolving look - gorgeous and sexy, with the braided hair, the beautiful booty, and the thick thighs.

She wears the crop tops, the tiny little booty shorts that just make me weak wherever I witness them, and there's a constant playlist of rap and hip hop on her headphones.

Now I don't want to overstate this - but this is not about me being attracted to my imaginary daughter. 

Nor is it about her hating me, her dad, or wanting to abuse and humiliate me. I'd prefer it if she liked me! So what is it about?

It's about her being super sexual. Especially sexually attractive to OTHER guys. Especially alpha Black men - or even worshipful cucks, who walk into lamp posts when they see her. 

It's about her being an empowered and sexual young woman, who dresses sexily, who knows her power, who doesn't need dad's permission to be who she wants to be and to enjoy a modern sex life that previous generations would never have dared to consider.

Does anyone get me on this? 

"Oh! Hi Dad!"


  1. I get it i think. I believe it's about a Black man asserting his genetic dominance and raising dark roots out of your family tree, and giving you grandkids who look nothing like you and otherwise subsuming your DNA and washing away your white DNA ecological footprint. It's a deeply rooted D/s desire i believe. Am i close do you think?-d

    1. I think that's some great analysis. As I state above - and I genuinely mean it - it's not about extreme humiliation or hatred or incest. It is about the feeling of knowing that your sexy and sexual daughter is going to do what she wants - and although you're powerless to stop her, you're kind of proud of her at the same time.

  2. I get it. My wife cuckolds me and I often fantasize about my daughter bringing different men home and flaunting her sexuality even cuckolding other guys. It is not a incest sexual desire like you state, more of being proud she embraces her own sexuality like her mom.

    1. Absolutely agree - "it is not a incest sexual desire, more of being proud she embraces her own sexuality like her mom." Beautiful.


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